Barber Marina, Elberta, AL
Dec. 18, 2024

Featured Trip!

Spa Day and Cooking Class
Wind Creek Casino     Atmore, AL

Mar. 11-12, 2025

Enjoy 2 days at the casino with a gourmet cooking class (lunch or dinner); a 3-hour spa experience to include a massage, facial, and pedicure; a night at the luxury hotel; and time at the casino.  Motorcoach trip.
  (Deadline Feb. 15). For more info, click here.

Who we are:

Panhandle Senior Travelers (in Pensacola, FL) provides travel opportunities at affordable prices and the opportunity for fellowship and social activities to seniors, ages 50+. We are not affiliated with any travel agency or business, except for cruises and out-of-country travel. All travel is planned, organized, and escorted by volunteer members. We are an all-volunteer club that was first organized in the summer of 2005.

Our regular monthly meetings are on the third TUESDAY of each month (except May and December) at 3:00 PM at : Asbury Place 750 College Blvd. Pensacola, FL 32504 (behind Cokesbury United Methodist Church.)

Our Facebook page
Membership Form
Medical Form
For overseas travel, the State Department’s STEP program: Smart Traveler Enrollment Program
Our yearly membership dues are $15, due each January.

Our Board of Directors:

President, Mark Davis
Vice President, Colleen Lester
Secretary, Debbie Dufour
Treasurer, Beth Moore
Membership, Lillian Wallace
Name Tags, Peggy Jennings
Trip Planners: Steve Lester, Sue Breed, and Faye Williamson

Our Board of Directors’ Handbook, January 2023
Our Bylaws, August 2023


Meetings: Asbury Place (behind Cokesbury United Methodist Church) 750 College Blvd
Pensacola, FL

